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Česká hudba



The Oldest Music Manuscripts in Bohemia (around 1000 to 1350)

Plankt of Virgin Maria (14th century)

Medieval Love Lyrics (14th and 15th centuries)

Music in Bohemia under the Reign of Emperor Charles IV (around 1350)

Carols of the Czech Middle Ages (14th to 16th centuries)

Student and Literary Songs (16th century - Benešov Hymn Book)

Advent Matins - Czech Advent Songs (16th century - the Benešov Hymn Book)

Music in Prague in the Reign of Emperor Rudolph II - J. Handl-Gallus (Moralia, Harmoniae morales),

N. Zangius, Ch. Luython, J. Regnart, Ph. de Monte


Kryštof Harant of Polžice (1550-1591) - Missa Quinis vocibus, Maria Kron

Václav Adam Michna of Otradovice (1600-1676) - The Czech Lute (the Sanctity Music)

Samuel Capricornus (1628-1665) - Opus misicum

Václav Karel Holan Rovenský (1644-1718) - Capella regia musicalis

Jan Dismas Zelenka (1679-1745) - In Convertendo Domine, Responsoria

Bohuslav Matěj Černohorský (1684-1742) - Quare Dominum irasceris, Quem lapidaverunt,

Laudetur Jesus Christus

Šimon Brixi (1693-1735) - Litaniae de Venerabili sacramento

Edmund Pascha (1714-1772) - Harmoniae pastoralis

František Ignác Tůma (1704-1774) - Stabat mater

Leopold Koželuh (1747-1818) - Three Nocturns

Bohuslav Martinů (1890-1959) - Madrigals (1939), Part-Song Book (1959)

František Chaun (1921-1981) - Microcantata, "Whatever I Remembered from the Latin Lessons"

Petr Eben (1929-2007) - Pragensia

Václav Riedelbauch (1947) - Songs and Plays (on extracts from Shakespeare's Sonnets)

Juraj Filas (1955) - Lauretti

Jan Rychlík (1916-1964) - The Gallows Madrigals

Pavel Bořkovec (1894-1972) - Madrigals on Time

Dalibor Vačkář (1906) - Songs to Sewing

Ivan Kurz (1947) - The Moravian Contemplatings

Luboš Fišer (1935) - Songs for the Blind King John of Luxembourgh

Ctirad Kohoutek (1929) - The Country Like a Garden

Ilja Hurník (1922-2013) - The Season Madrigals

Miloš Štědroň (1942) - Gioa dolorosa, Advices to the Cook

Milan Slavický (1947) - Pendulum of the Time

Arnošt Košťál (1920) - Forest Robber's

Otomar Kvěch (1950) - Spring Motives




Světová hudba



The Italian Madrigal (around 1350-1650)

Jacopo da Bologna, Francesco Landini, M. Cara, B. Donati, N. Vincentino, L. Marenzio, G. Gastoldi,

G. di Venosa, C. Monteverdi, A. Banchieri

Carols of the Medieval Europe (Anonymus of the 14th and 15th centuries)

Franco-Flemish Era (around 1400-1550)

G. Dufay, J. Ockeghem, J. Obrecht, N. Gombert, A. Willaert, Josquin Desprez (mass, chansons)

Orlando di Lasso (mottets, madrigals)

French Chansons (around 1300-1600)

Guillaume d' Amiens, G. Machaut (mass, chansons, Solage), G. Binchois, P. Certon, T. Arbeau,

P. Attaignant, C. Jannequin

The Development of the German Song (around 1250-1650)

Heinrich von Meissen the Salzburg Monk Herman, T. Stolzer, H. Isaac, J. Regnart, J. H. Schein,

H. L. Hassler, M. Praetorius, H. Schütz, J. Brahms

The English Madrigal (the 12th to the half of the 17th centuries)

The Beginnings of the Madrigals Reaching into Its Prosperity in the Period of Elizabeth I.

J. Dunstable, L. Plummer, W. Byrd, J. Dowland, T. Bateson, T. Morley, J. Jenkins, O. Gibbons,

J. Wilbye, T. Weelkes

The Spanish Music - Juan del Encina - Cancionero musical (the half of the 15th to the 17th centuries)

F. de Penalosa, F. de la Torre, C. Morales

The Contemporary World Music

Maurice Ravel (1875-1937) - 3 Chansons, Paul Hindemith (1895-1962) - 6 Chansons,

Zoltán Kodály (1882-1967) - Négy olasz madrigál, Béla Bartók - 4 Slovak Folk Songs




Instrumentální hudba


Jacob Obrecht, Josquin Despres, Jan Pieterszoon, Orlando di Lasso, Florentino Maschera,

Girol mo Frescobaldi, Giovanni Batista Grillo, Charles Luithon, Michael Pretorius, Valerius Otto,

Pedro Heredia, Jan Dismas Zelenka, Josef Mysliveček, Bohuslav Martinů.



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